Saturday, November 21, 2015

to you my friend

it's my third 2015 post guys. clap clap clap

i almost forgot you exist dss. sorry for my lack of giving you attention. please accept my apology. haha. rambling again, athe?

yeah..yeahh..back to the main topic.

recently my buddy, who is among few best buddies I have in the world of Athe apparently just found this blog. hi dear you. I hate that you read that post of mine about you. I even hate that I knew you cried because of that. well, I suspected you cried as a result of my greatness of writing an incredible storylines. agree? haha.

im the queen of awkwardness and blunt speaking. i dont do friendship well. i am even worst at making conversation with people. yeap. in conclusion im a terrible human being that has zero personality in the world of sociality. thats me.

so, dear all my friends that ever make friend to me, I never dislike you guys. I like you all, I appreciate you, but I dont have the courage to keep the friendship alive. im sorry.

but, still I like you all. and remember we're friend. even we're not keep in touch. i want to say please do keep in touch, but well i dont want to waste your time trying to create small conversation. I think social networks have done the works..yep, keep posting goodvibes on fb or instagram so that I always knew you are good.

okay dear you, dear ss, dear my imaginary followers and friends, till we meet again. maybe not in 2015 post, i guess. haha..

farewell, 2015..eventhough we are still one shy month away..


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