Sunday, April 20, 2014



long time no update you,dss.

i kinda not in the mood of typing these few weeks.

what Im doing right now?

oh,yah..I just got back from Beijing. yep! yep! yep! my FIRST travelogue. *pathetic* lololol

it was quite interesting. but what is not interesting was my skin got itchy-redness-blub-blub. geli... hahaha

but it's getting better. Alhamdulillah. maybe, my skin was sensitive with the Beijing water and environment.

gonna continue my travelogue when I have enough money. Im saving to go somewhere far and more adventures, I think. and Im done with going under agent because it's quite boring.

well, it's April right now, that's mean there still left one month and half before the semester breaks. yippy! Im thinking of doing part time job in the holiday. Maybe working at Domino's if they have vacancy. or any food based restaurant. and I also thinking of learning sew. hmm, we'll see.


right now, Im so busy with assignments and tests coming. arghh!! so tension. lots of things to think about. yeah.. cant wait for the holiday.

okey, bye dss. gonna go out and eat dinner.


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