Saturday, March 8, 2014


hey you.

the weather today was a bit gloomy.
the sky was clear as usual. it's's blue.
but behind the blueness, there was a disturbance of the usual calmness.

the airplane of Malaysia has been reported missing from the sky, which they said because of connection lost.
how is it possible? with advance technology nowadays, we have satellites and GPS and whatever.. how is it possible the connection lost?

things happened.
when He say Kunfayakun, it would happened.
eventhough people claimed they have invented superpower technologies,
but we have to remember, Him is the greatest one.
Him, who controls everythings.
and we are His servants.

I'll pray for the people in the airplane to be safe and sound and peace, wherever they are.
If they still alive, I hope they keep be strong and strong and strong and patience and patience and patience.
Allah with us 24/7.
Pray to Him 24/7.

'Keep the families strong Ya Allah.'


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