Monday, December 5, 2016

December already

hey dss,

hey yall.

I usually sleep at 11-ish pm lately, yeay being a crybaby. or more fit an ol' lady.

But today, I accidentally slept after Asar sehh jadi tak ngantok lagi sekarang.

Gonna have Panda eyes tomorrow morning (bajet macam lambat sangat dah sekarang).

I am working as Investment Consultant currently. I want to say my life is kinda busy right now, but it's not actually. Well, actually there were certain days I was busy, there were also days where I were dying of bore-ness at home. So, my life is kinda like waves right now.

This job Im doing is quite interesting. Im liking it. I like it because I kinda look forward of what Im gonna do tomorrow, next month, or next year. It sets a goal for me to achieve. Hell, thats exciting for a life of fresh grad w/o a job. hah! Besides, I got to meet lotsa people. Well, it's time for me to step out from my shell right and linger with outside world. Me, and my imagination (crappy one evrytime of course). I learnt lotsa new things. I faced lotsa new things. A good one, a bad one. Gash, there were lotsa new things I experienced these past few months. I feel like I grew older every time I counterback a problem. And some of the problems, Im still trying to counterback currently. Pray for my success.

I pray Allah shows me a way that relates to my interest for my future. I pray to be a professional in my area. To find a job that I really enjoy doing it. Things that I love as my job. And I will keep waiting, and praying. This..what Im doing right now, Im considering it as my first job after graduate. Im a worker, a self-worker. A boss to myself. I should be proud of myself. I got my salary. I got to feel how hard earning money is. Im feeling grateful for life thats given to me. Thanks Allah. You're The Greatest.

Okay lorh.

Nite. Muahx

(Not sleepy yet. brainy, can you switch your sleep button on right now?)

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